Power Control PC 22 cu software WoodWop - POWERTOUCH
Inaltime panou mm 8 - 60
PVC/Abs mm 3
Viteza de avans până la 25 mt/min (cu...
Cod: (006374)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Unitate de canelare: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Uzina de bandaj Homag Lotto 1
Marcă: Homag
Model: Optimat KL 77 / A3 / 52, CE
Stare: Funcționează
Livrare: mai 2018
Unitate de pre-topire
An fabricatie 2012
Grosimea benzii max 20 mm
Grosimea benzii de margini spiralate max 3 mm
Unitate de premisare
Unitate de rotunjire...
An fabricatie 2010
Grosimea benzii max 20 mm
Grosimea benzii de margini spiralate max 3 mm
Zero îmbinare Aer cald
Unitate de premisare...
Cod: (006252)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 40 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60 mm...
Cod: (006253)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 40 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60 mm...
Cod: (006139)
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 24 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60 mm
Unitati de operare: 10...
Cod: (006055)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60...
Cod: (002716)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Unitate de canelare: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 24 m/min
Cod: (005385)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60 mm...
Cod: (005437)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60...
Cod: (005335)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Unitate de canelare: da
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60 mm
Cod: (005321)
Unitate de premisare: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 35 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 40 mm
Unitati de operare: 8 nr
Cod: (004592)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 24 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60...
Cod: (006283)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 40...
Cod: (005074)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Unitati de operare: 8 nr
Cod: (005794)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Cod: (006204)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60...
Cod: (006042)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Unitate de canelare: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min...
Cod: (005774)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Unitate de canelare: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 18 m/min...
Cod: (005549)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 25 m/min
Grosimea maxima a panoului: 60...
Power Control PC 22 control
Inaltime panou mm 60
Lemn masiv mm 20
PVC/Abs mm 3
Viteza de avans pana la 25 m/min
Înălțimea de...
Cod: (006135)
Unitate de premisare: da
Unitate de rotunjire colț: da
Unitate de canelare: da
Viteza maxima de avans: 24 m/min...
Homag mașină de bordat mod. KL 76/A20/S2
Standardele CE
Vand masina de bandat canturi complet echipata HOMAG KAL210 AMBITION 2262, an 2014:
Gard intrare reglabil servomotor...
- Grosimea panoului lucrabil 10-60 mm
- Grosimea muchiei în bobine max 3 mm
- Viteza de avans max 24 mt/min
- P
unitate de...
Control Puterea Control Pc 22 Înălțimea panoului mm 60 Lemn masiv mm 20 Pvc / Abs mm 3 Viteza de avans până la mt / min 24 Înălțimea de...
- Grosimea panoului de 60 mm
- Grosimea marginii în suluri de 3 mm
- Viteză maximă de lucru 24 mt / min
- Registrul de intrare...
Mașină de bandă de margine folosită Homag KL QA S2
- Sistem de introducere și introducere EZ 10/70
- Automatizare parțială pentru EZ 10...
Year of manufacture 2020 Edgeband thickness max 12 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece width min...
Year of manufacture 2012 Edgeband thickness max 20 mm HOMAG Glue system A 20 Gluing unit Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled...
Year of manufacture 2009 Workpiece return Yes Edgeband thickness max 20 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm...
Year of manufacture 2009 Edgeband thickness max 20 mm HOMAG Glue system A 20 Gluing unit Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled...
Year of manufacture 2009 Workpiece return Conveyor belt LIGMATECH ZHR 05 Edgeband thickness max 20 mm HOMAG Glue system A 20 Gluing unit...
Year of manufacture 2019 Edgeband thickness max 12 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece width min...
Year of manufacture 2019 Edgeband thickness max 8 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece width min 70...
Year of manufacture 2016 Edgeband thickness max 20 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Feedrate max 25 m/min...
Year of manufacture 2016 Edgeband thickness max 20 mm Panel thickness max 40 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece width min...
Year of manufacture 2011 Edgeband thickness max 8 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece width min 55...
Year of manufacture 2015 Workpiece return Conveyor belt HOMAG AUTOMATION TFU 140 BOOMERANG HOMAG Workpiece infeed EZ 14 Edgeband thickness...
Year of manufacture 2017 Edgeband thickness max 6 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece length min...
Cod: (006574)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge, Solid wood, Veneer Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt Premilling Unit: yes ...
Year of manufacture 2017 Edgeband thickness max 20 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece width min...
Year of manufacture 2016 Edgeband thickness max 20 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece length min...
Cod: (007227)
Position 1: Single Sided Edgebanders HOMAG + LIGMATECH-KAL 310 + ZHR 05 Position 2: Panel Return Systems HOMAG +...
Cod: (007577)
Position 1: Single Sided Edgebanders HOMAG + LIGMATECH-KAL 210 AMBITION 2264 Position 2: Panel Return Systems HOMAG +...
Year of manufacture 2020 Edgeband thickness max 8 mm Panel thickness max 60 mm Thickness of coiled edgeband max 3 mm Workpiece width min 70...
Cod: (006375)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge Gluing System: PUR Premilling Unit: yes Corner Rounding Unit: yes ...
Cod: (007575)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt Premilling Unit: yes Corner Rounding Unit:...
Cod: (005321)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt, Laser Premilling Unit: yes Max feed speed:...
Cod: (006252)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge, Solid wood Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt, PUR Premilling Unit: yes Corner...
Cod: (007694)
Position 1: Panel Feeding and Loading HOMAG-PROFI KAL330/7/A3/WZ Position 2: Edgebander BATCH 1 HOMAG-PROFI KAL330/7/A3/...
Cod: (006432)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt Premilling Unit: yes Corner Rounding Unit:...
Cod: (007134)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge, Solid wood Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt, Hot Air Premilling Unit: yes ...
Cod: (007198)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge, Solid wood Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt Premilling Unit: yes Corner...
Cod: (007176)
Type of edging: Thin edge, Thick edge Gluing System: EVA Hotmelt Premilling Unit: yes Corner Rounding Unit:...
granules gluing unit pressure unit with 3 rolls pre-cutting knife precise cutting saws milling unit with radius tolls profiled...
granules gluing unit pre cutting knife pressure unit with 3 rolls precise cutting saws milling unit with radius tools...