Maşini de şlefuit pentru lemn
- Lungime mm: 17000 Lățime mm: 1700 Valt mm diametru: 350 Lungime de lucru mm: 5000x1700 Înălțimea de trecere max mm: 100 Tabel vacuum: Da2009
- Lungime mm: 19800 Lățime mm: 1000 Lungime de lucru mm: 6600x1000 Înălțimea de trecere max mm: 100 Discuri de lustruire: Da Edge lustruire discuri: Da Diametrul discurilor d...2009
- Vand masina de lustruit EMME ELLE SL1 1200/3000. An 2015 / dar utilaj nou, nefolosit inainte Lungime de lucru 3000 mm Latime de trezire 1200 mm Max. grosime de lucru 200 mm Diametru per...16 000,00 €2015
- Suflanta pentru lemne • Lățimea de lucru utilă: aprox. 2.500 mm1999
- Cuptor UV Sirio 1 lampă, folosit.
- Masina de slefuit 4 tampoane Marca: AGLA - Cu 4 tampoane orbitale - CP 5,5 380 V - Lungime 5500 Mm X 1300 - Regulamentul 81
- Year of manufacture 2016 Working width 1.600 mm Working length 3.000 mm Passage height max 200 mm Number of aggregates 2 Diameter of polishing disks mm 160 Main motor power 5,5 kW Polishing...2016
- Year of manufacture 2016 Working width 1.600 mm Working length 4.500 mm Passage height max 200 mm Number of aggregates 2 Diameter rollers 350 mm Main motor power 15 kW Type Aggregate mobile...2016
- Year of manufacture 2017 Working width 1.500 mm Working length 3.000 mm Passage height max 100 mm Number of aggregates 5 Main motor power 3 kW Feedrate max 11 m/min Continuously variable fee...2017
- Year of manufacture 2017 Working width 1.350 mm Passage height max 100 mm Number of aggregates 4 Diameter of polishing disks mm 160 Diameter rollers 350 mm Main motor power 4 kW Feedrate max...2017
- Roller polishing machine GMB mod. ROLL 1400 used for polishing polyester, polyurethane paints, metals, marbles and other materials CE mark polishing rollers diameter mm. 350 polishing ro...2007
- Polishing brush with 1400 mm belt and vacuum system 4-brush rotating group with 4 rotating brushes at variable speed horizontal brush at the exit
- Stemas rotary polishing machine with vacuum belt mm 1400 with adjustable speed via inverter rotating pad carousel with inverter regulation cabin machine
- line for sticking the foil on the board2019
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