Sliding table saw Felder Kappa 550e New 2025

Kappa 550e

kappa 550, x-motion control with touch function on the 15" display at eye level USB interface and network connection preparation Saving of the last 5 entered values ​​Functions: Parking position (parallel fence, scoring) Manual axis travel Incremental axis travel Calculator, false chamfer, inclined grooves, grooves and groove series, mitre cut, angle cut, false rafter, Mitre cut plus

Controlled parallel fence kappa 55E Cutting width 1250 mm, in combination with suspended control panel

Electric system kappa 550 3x400V CE 10 kW S6 with star-delta start 3 speeds 3000/4000/5000 rpm

Detects approaching body parts and activates immediately before contact. The saw blade with a diameter of up to 400 mm is lowered under the table at very high speed. Larger saw blades descend as far as possible. A warning light on the upper guard indicates the status of the PCS®. At the push of a button, the unit is raised again and work can continue. PCS® must be deactivated when cutting electrically conductive materials.

Scoring unit Control with 3 controlled axes (height, width and lateral movement with parking position. 3x400V 50/60Hz 1.1kW scoring blade D=120 mm in combination with max. saw blade diameter 400 mm adjustment range 3.0-3.8 mm SD



AMAC di Stanghellini M. & C

+39 0376 840151- Rag. Alberto- Ayoub

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