Choice & Expert AdviceExperience matters when you are deciding on your latest investment , and Scott & Sargeant have the knowledge - with emphasis on machine ‘know how’ we can give professional advice. With over 100 years’ combined expertise in woodworking, our sales staff exhibit a technical knowledge that covers all aspects of machinery, tooling, and machining practice. Our 35000ft showroom is stocked with literally hundreds of machines, offering solutions in new and used machines, from entry level carpentry equipment to the the highest computer controlled technology for both solid wood and panel production. We have over £3,000,000 of woodworking machinery, tooling and spare parts on display. Visit our factory showroom close to London anytime Monday to Friday 8am-5pm.Success Built on ServiceScott & Sargeant’s team of engineers cover a range of skills from general mechanics through pneumatics, hydraulics, electrical and CNC controls. As well as preparing used machines prior to supply in the UK and worldwide, our engineering arm is available to commission install, move or repair customers’ new and used machinery on site. Having made your decision to invest, you are assured of back-up from our experienced support facilities. Our dedicated technical installation and problem solving team can also offer expert dismantling and machine re-set up worldwide. We offer a range of maintenance, training and assessment programmes tailored specifically to each client’s individual needs. Our success is based on the last 20 years of trading and aftersales support. The right machine for the jobAs a premier agent with a long established reputation, we can supply all types of premium woodworking machinery. We are able to offer the correct machine with the correct specifications for your needs. With a sales team that operates throughout the UK and worldwide, we can liaise with your staff on site to establish your exact requirements and assist in targeting your planned investments to maximum effect. Our ability to supply a huge range of the most respected names in machinery, tooling and spares. With large stocks across all three areas, we do our best to minimise your down- time and increase our your efficiency and profitability. Our Catalogue and Website are world renowned for their comprehensive content and as an invaluable information guide. We carry a comprehensive range of consumables and major line spare parts are kept in stock. We can ship these, immediately worldwide by TNT or DHL to keep your wood- working machines working..Tour Services
- InstallationWe can undertake installation of new or used machines worldwide.
- Spare PartsWe can help you sort your production problems and breakdowns - with daily despatches worldwide by courier. We can supply tooling and parts for: Alberti, Anderson, Auer, Bacci, Balestrini, Butfering, Boere, Brandt, Casati, Cefla,Celaschi, Centauro, Cosmec, Dominion, Egurko, Felder, Fladder, Gau Jing, Hoffmann, Homag, Lari & Brogi, Leadermac, Leitz, Leuco, Multico, Oertli, Omas, Ortza, Panhans, Quickwood, Sedgwick, Sandingmaster, SCM, Startrite, SUVA, Volpato, Weeke, Weinig, Wadkin. We have clients all over the world who rely on us for fast efficient service, sound product knowledge gathered over the last 25 years.
- Buying or Selling?If you have surplus woodworking machinery, we will either buy for cash or act on your behalf to sell the equipment - we do not charge for this service and will only make a charge should we sell your equipment. If you have any plant or equipment - contact paul@scosarg.co.uk together with pictures if available.
World ServiceWe can arrange delivery anywhere, fast. For small parcels of stock items in the UK this is usually next day. Call us if you need any help or guidance on shipping costs for our World Service. We can help you and guide you to make the correct selection. All sales are subject to our standard terms and conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing.Opening HoursWe are open Monday - Friday 8.00 - 17.00 [UK time]Registered DetailsRegistered Company Name: - Scott & Sargeant Woodworking Machinery Ltd Registered Office: - 1 Blatchford Road,Horsham, Sussex RH13 5QR England Tel + 44 1403 273000 Company Registration Number: - 2448888