Lathe with copying device MINIMAX (SCM Group) T-124- CE Standard

Minimax (scm group)

Lathe with copying device MINIMAX (SCM Group)   T-124- CE Standard 

Technical data  
Distance between centres  mm   1150
Centres height   mm 200  
Three-phase motor power 1,5 (1,8) kW at 50 (60) Hz
4 chuck speeds rpm 570/1000/1850/2500
tape drive with morse taper n. 2 
Ball bearing centre with morse tape n.2
Face plate diameter mm 130
net weight of complete machine kg 185
ground base kg 38
copying group  with rest  53
Macchina equipped with copying device: max working lenght  mm 1120
max diameter mm 200
equipped with mobile rest :
max  working lenght mm 1070 
max diameter max mm 80
Standard equipment : rigid base - holder for tool


Code: MLN0423


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