Veneta Finishing S.a.s was founded in 1996 with the aim of overhauling not only automatic units but also complete machines and wood coating units as well as providing assistance and supplying spare parts.
Its activities are always at the service of the customer providing a pre and after sale service with a network of mechanics that ensure a quick service with a high added value thanks to the many years’ experience of the qualified personnel that Veneta Finishing employs.
The company also has a large area for displaying second hand machines as well as a workshop with skilled mechanics that handle technical assistance and thorough overhauling of second hand machines. If necessary the mechanics can also assemble and test machines on the customer’s premises. We assemble, disassemble and move any kind of installation/system.
Our technical office provides advice for planning new and second hand systems. Thanks to our flexibility and organisation, we are able to meet assistance requests in real time, minimising machine downtime problems.
The experience acquired over the years means that our company can professionally, reliably and efficiently fulfil all our customers’ requirements.
Veneta Finishing S.a.s di Veneta Revisioni di Leuzzi Tiziana & C. Via Codopè, 72 - 33087 Cecchini di Pasiano (PN) - Italy
Phone +39 0434-622105 • Fax +39 0434-622728 • info@venetafinishing.it- commerciale@venetafinishing.it
Vat 01381550936