Höchsmann GmbH - www.hoechsmann.com
Höchsmann company Ltd. is a specialist in the field of second-hand woodworking technology and has many years of experience in international machine trade. The success factors that shape our business activities are our strong relationships to manufacturers and service partners. We offer various services to our business partners, from detailed consultation and evaluation of proven technology, through to professional logistic services, and up to carrying out technically advanced inspection and maintenance tasks. We also provide some special online services for our customers, which can be accessed for free: At our auctioning portal WOOD TEC AUCTION you can make your bids on interesting used woodworking machinery. We also present you our WOOD TEC VALUE, where you can get an evaluation about the sales price of your used machines in real time. WOOD TEC PEDIA® the lexicon for woodworking machinery is also part of our service. Since 2011, a team of experienced Höchsmann editors and translators has been tirelessly bringing together reliable technical information from the world of woodworking technology. It is currently the most comprehensive, publicly available, online lexicon for woodworking technology.
In March 2018, Höchsmann opened a subsidiary in 30020 Noventa de Piave/Italy with a seperate office and a storage area of 1,800 m².
This allows us to provide our customers in Italy with support from our on-site team, regarding purchase, sales and all questions about woodworking machines. Wellcome to Höchsmann GmbH sede secondaria in Italia, we look forward to your visit.