FOM Aluminum machining center C.N.C. 3 axles used - type: ARGO 35 RM

Argo 35 rm

FOM Aluminum machining center C.N.C. 3 axles used - type: ARGO 35 RM - Works with IDRACAM software - X axis, stroke 3550 mm - Y axis, stroke 1100 mm - Z axis, stroke 425 mm - Electrospindle rotation: 0 ° / 90 ° / 180 ° - Working capacity - X axis = 3500 mm - Y axis = 540 mm with electrospindle in vertical position at 90 ° - Y axis = 460 mm with electrospindle in horizontal position 0 ° or 180 ° - Z axis = 300 mm with electrospindle in position vertical at 90 ° - Z axis = 250 mm with electrospindle in horizontal position 0 ° or 180 ° - Displacement of axes: X axis: 80 m / min, acceleration 2.8 m / s - Y axis: 25 m / min, acceleration 2.8 m / s - Z axis: 25 m / min, acceleration 2.8 m / s - Spindle: ISO 30 - DIN 69871 - power: 4 kW - Rotation speed: 12000 rpm - 6-tool warehouse - Tool change time: 8 seconds - Maximum weight tools: 5 kg - Maximum tool diameter: 220 mm - Total installed power: 7 kW - Operating pressure: 7 bar - Dimensions: 5000 x 1785 x 2470 mm - Second-hand machine to CE standards



19 000.00 €



+33 (0)3 86 37 61 60

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