4CN302102 Second-hand working center MORBIDELLI AUTHOR 430S
- working area 3100X1300 mm.
- table type TV with 6 supports...
Machining centers, Second hand
4PR202204 Second-hand cold press HOFFER complete with 15kw generator
Presses, Second hand
Top wide belt sander Sandingmaster with 3 rollers, working width mm. 900
Wide belt sanders, Second hand
Copying shaper type Balestrini CP90/4 1 kw / 3-4 7,5 kw) - CE rules (year 2002) - 3° e 4° group 7,5 kw
Copy shaper machines, Second hand
4TC101916 Second-hand double sided cutting saw CAMAM MOD. TD3000
- Blade saw diam. 350mm
- Useful working section min/max 10x10mm 80x100mm
Crosscut saws, Second hand
4LC502108 Second-hand sanding machine for turned pieces LOCATELLI MOD. ORIENTAL MATIK
-with loader
-working length 1200 mm
Sanding machines, Second hand
4LC542102 Second-hand vertical sander CAMAM MOD. LV/3V/55/T
-with feeder unit
-volt. 380/50
-S/N 94
-CE rules (Year 2002)
Sanding machines, Second hand
4TC052104 Second-hand boring and end cutting machine COMEC MOD. FIMOV 2500 2UT+2UF+CA2
- n. 2 tilting cutting units
- n. 2 vertical boring...
Crosscut saws, Second hand
4SS212103 Second-hand cnc control copying band saw MZ UNIDUE 013
- NUM control
- n. 3 cnc axis
- cutting section 1300x800 h 100 mm
- angle...
Band saws, Second hand
4PR602003 Second-hand clamp couple for chair assembly Camam mod. Sipm Tts - ce (1999)
- Hydraulic pump power HP 5.5 (kW 4.0)
- productivity 60...
Clamping machines, Second hand
4VE992203 Stainless steel impregnation tank for solid wood windows (2021 ce) - used
- 2800X500X300mm
- Pump
- Tubes
- Shower
- Year 2021 CE
Impregnation machines, Second hand
4LC352201 Second-hand cn sanding line for straight and curved elements OMEF mod. FUTURA
- loader
- 2 top transversal horizontal belts
- 2...
Stroke Sanders, Second hand
4PR252223 Second-hand prebending press Vecchiato mod. Sn2000/120
- working table length 2000 mm
- thrust 57 ton
- min / max working length 500/...
Presses, Second hand
4PR202205 Second-hand cold press COLOMBO WITH 4 WORKING STATIONS
- platens dim mm. 1100X700
Presses, Second hand
4FO502102 Second-hand multiple horizontal-vertical mortising machine COMEC MOD. MOV/8UX/CA
- electrospindle motor power Hp 1,1 12000 rpm
- min...
Mortising machines, Second hand
4FO501921 Second-hand oscillating multiple mortiser CAMAM MOD. AF12 BI
- tilting benches
Mortising machines, Second hand
4SE911925 Second-hand single sided knurling machine Sicma
Chamfering machines, Second hand
4PR102301 Second-hand press with 2 cylinders VILMAR- Plate mm. 500X400
Presses, Second hand
4LC552301 Second-hand orbital sander CAMAM MOD. LEC200
Sanding machines, Second hand
4PR622001 Second-hand hydraulic horizontal clamp with 1 cyinder Camam mos. SI/1C - CE RULES
- year 1997
Clamping machines, Second hand
4CS051910 Second-hand end-cut off milling and boring machine Balestrini mod. Fta
Milling machines, Second hand
Assembling press couple Camam mod. SIPM-T-TS -SN 270 -CE rules (year 1997)
Clamping machines, Second hand
4FT101811 Second-hand 8 heads linear copying shaper Balestrini mod. Cp90/8 ce
- working length mm. 2500
- cutterhead height 180 mm.
- unit 1-...
Copy shaper machines, Second hand
Mortising machines CAMAM MO/S/6A Second hand 1997
- matr....
Mortising machines, Second hand
Horizontal oscillating mortising machine Bacci mod. MX
- 5+5 horizontal spindles
- 3 osicllations
- Year 1996
Mortising machines, Second hand
4CS502001 Inserting machine for pins Erremme used
Boring and inserting machines, Second hand
Second-hand double sided round end tenoner Bacci tsd-e - ce (1996)
- With loader CSF
- Control Cnc
- Working length mm. 1200...
Tenoning machines, Second hand
4FO121906 Second-hand multiple boring machine
- 35 spindles
Boring machines, Second hand
4FO802102 Second-hand drilling machine POWER PLUS
- CE standards (Year 2004)
Drilling machines, Second hand
4VE992001 Second-hand safety cab for painting robot
Wood finishing equipment, Second hand
4LC542003 second hand vertical sander CAMAM LV/TT
Sanding machines, Second hand
4LC802005 Second-hand rotating brushing machine CAMAM SAW 91
-volt. 380/50
-SN 99010
-CE rules (year 1999)
Brushing machines, Second hand
4LC802007 Second-hand brushing machine BOSI - CE RULES
Brushing machines, Second hand
4PR252104 Second-hand prebending press VECCHIATO MOD. SN2000/120
- working table length 2000 mm
- thrust 57 Ton
- min / max working length...
Presses, Second hand
4SS202106 Band saw AGAZZANI MOD. NRA 1050 - used
Band saws, Second hand
4FO501905 Second-hand oscillating HF MULTIPLE MORTISER BACCI MX90
- n.3+3 horizontal spindles
- n.2+2 vertical spindles
- 3 horizontal...
Mortising machines, Second hand
4LC541902 Longitudinal sanding machine with 2 rollers OMA MOD. UNICA-L
-engine power sanding machines Hp 3
-min. working length mm. 300
Stroke Sanders, Second hand
4LC542001 Second-hand vertical sander with 2 belts OMA MOD. UNICA
- transversal sanding on two sides of straight or shaped / curved elements...
Stroke Sanders, Second hand
4FT702205 Second-hand cnc double sided round end tenoner BACCI TSD-E
-with loader CSF
-control Cnc
-working length mm. 1200
-max tenon...
Tenoning machines, Second hand
4FT102102 Second-hand linear shaper BACCI MOD. FC4 1600
-working lenght mm. 1600
Copy shaper machines, Second hand
4FO502205 Second-hand horizontal vertical mortiser Comec mod. Mov12x
- 4+4 horizontal spindles
- 3+3 vertical spindles
- min./max spindles...
Mortising machines, Second hand
4FO502209 Second-hand h.f. Oscillating multiple mortiser Camam mod. Af12
Mortising machines, Second hand
4PR252219 Second-hand prebending press Rye
Presses, Second hand
4VE502104 Second-hand painting robot CMA MOD. ROBY 5 ST
-5 axis
-CE rules (year 2002)
Wood finishing equipment, Second hand
4FT152208 Second-hand transversal milling machine for chair components CAMAM MOD. FS-S/1U - CE RULES- max tools diam. 200 mm.
- rotation speed giri/...
Milling machines, Second hand
4LC102212 Second-hand 3 rollers wide belt sander SANDINGMASTER - 900 MM.
Wide belt sanders, Second hand
4FT702104 Second-hand cnc double sided round end tenoner BACCI TSD-E-NC14
- working length mm. 1200
- max tenon length 100 mm
- production: 2400...
Tenoning machines, Second hand
4FO502207 Second-hand oscillating mortiser CAMAM MOD. MO/30/6A/C/PL
- Automatic loader
- N. 3 indipendent oscillating units
- N. 2 spindles
Mortising machines, Second hand
4PR252013 Second- hand bending press FRAMA MM. 2300X1100
- light 1100 mm.
- 4 cylinders
- S/N 3
- CE Rules (year 2003)
Presses, Second hand
4FT102201 Second-hand linear copying shaper BACCI MOD. FC8 2500
- unit 1-2: milling units
- unit 3-4 milling units
- unit 5-6:...
Copy shaper machines, Second hand
4FT152203 Second-hand high speed vertical milling machine CAMAM MOD. FV/1T-1P
- volt. 380/50
- S/N 76
- CE year 2003
Milling machines, Second hand
4LC502203 Second hand sanding machine for turned pieces GENINI MOD. LAR 90
- with automatic loader
- n. 2 abrasive belts
- brushes
- n. 6...
Sanding machines, Second hand
4FO502206 Second-hand mutilple horizontal mortiser COMEC MOD. MMS/15-2000-CA
- automatic loader
- max. working length mm. 2000
- n. 7 spindles
Mortising machines, Second hand
4AC092204 Second-hand subfiltering plant VENTILAZIONE FRIULANA - extractor motor 15 Kw
- cochlea
- fan
Aspiration systems, Second hand